Workplace Exposure Sites
- Aerospace industry
- Agricultural work in soil contaminated with erionite
- Aluminum production
- Anatomists
- Animal feed factories
- Armed forces, military exposed to mustard gas
- Auramine production
- Automotive parts manufacture and use
- Barbers
- Battery makers, storage ,
- Benzidine manufacturing, usage, and storage
- Beryllium smelting or fabrication
- Boot manufacture and repair
- Building construction
- Butadiene monomer production
- Cabinet manufacture
- Cadmium alloy production
- Cadmium pigment manufacture and formulation
- Cadmium production and refining
- Catalyst workers
- Cemented carbide makers
- Ceramics
- Chemical, dye industry
- Chemical plant, manufacturing and processing
- Chemists
- Chimney sweep
- Chloromethyl methyl ether manufacturing
- Chloromethyl methyl ether workers
- 2-chloronaphthylamine production
- Chlorophenols production
- Chromate pigment production
- Chromium plating
- Chromate production
- Clean-up workers, nuclear or radiation accidents
- Coal gasification
- Coal-tar distillation
- Coal-tar pitches (paving, roofing)
- Coke oven workers
- Coke production
- Construction carpentry
- Cosmotologist
- Dental equipment and supplies manufacturing and use
- Diatomaceous earth industries
- Disinfectant makers
- Door manufacture
- Dye manufacturing
- Dyers
- Dyestuffs manufacturing
- Electrical connector production
- Electronics manufacturing and recycling
- Electroplaters
- Embalmers
- Enamellers
- Engineering and scientific equipment manufacturing and use
- Epoxy resin hardeners manufacture
- Ethylene oxide production and use
- Farming
- Formaldehyde manufacture
- Formaldehyde used as disinfectant
- Foundries
- Funeral parlor workers
- Fungicide manufacture
- Furniture manufacturing
- Fur treatment
- Garment workers
- Gas-mask makers
- Gasoline production, storage, transport, vending and combustion
- Glass worker
- Golf club manufacture and repair
- Gold miners
- Granite workers
- Haematite underground mining
- Hairdressers
- Handling and spraying of Agent Orange (military in Viet Nam)
- Handling and spraying of 2,4,5-T
- Hazardous waste processing
- Herbicide plants
- Incinerator plants, hazardous waste
- Ink makers
- Iron founding
- Isopropyl alcohol manufacture using strong acids
- Jewelers
- Joinery shops
- Jute processing
- Laboratory workers
- Leather workers
- Logging
- Magnet makers
- Manufactured board mills
- Mechanical measuring devices manufacturing and use
- Mechanical plating
- Medical treatment facility
- Medical uses of radiation
- Metal industry
- Metallizers
- Metal plating
- 4,4’-Methylenebis(2-chloroaniline) (MOCA) manufacture and use
- Machine production
- Magenta production
- Maize processing plants
- Manufacture of abrasives
- Manufacture of dyes
- Manufacturing of food spices
- Manufacture of man-made vitreous fibers
- Medical supplies manufacturing
- Metal machining
- Military
- Mineral oils
- Miners, underground
- Mining
- Mobile homes manufacture and use
- Model and pattern making
- Mond process workers
- Mould makers
- Mulespinning
- Mustard gas production
- Nickel-alloy makers
- Nickel-cadmium battery manufacturing
- Nickel miners
- Nickel refiners
- Nickel smelters
- Nickel workers
- Nonferrous foundries and smelters
- Nuclear control equipment workers
- Nuclear fuel cycles
- Nuclear reactor workers
- Nuclear clean-up workers
- Painter, occupational exposure as
- Painting production
- Paint makers
- Paper and pulp mills that use chlorine bleaches
- Paper manufacture
- Paper workers
- Particle-board mills
- Pathologists
- Paving
- PCP production
- Pen point makers
- Pesticide production
- Pesticide Usage
- Petrochemical plant
- Petroleum refinery workers
- Pharmaceutical production
- Pharmacy workers
- Pigments manufacture
- Planer mills
- Plastics (PVC) production
- Plastics production
- Plywood mills
- Plutonium production workers
- Polymer and derivatives production
- Polyurethane production
- Polyvinylchloride compounding
- Polyvinyl chloride and PVC product manufacturing
- Pottery workers
- Pulp manufacture
- Oil hydrogenators
- Ore mining
- Organic synthesis
- Organic chemical synthesizers
- Quarry workers
- Radiation accident clean-up workers
- Radium-dial painters
- Refinery workers
- Refractories
- Refractory brick workers
- Resin production
- Roofing
- Rubber chemical manufacturing, chemicals manufactured from ortho-toluidine
- Rubber-manufacturing industry
- Sandblasting
- Saw mills
- Shale oil extraction plants
- Ships, unloading of
- Shoe manufacture and repair
- Silica exposure
- Smelter worker
- Soldering
- Solvents, chlorinated, manufacture
- Soot exposure, chimney sweeping
- Spark-plug makers
- Stainless-steel makers
- Stainless-steel welders
- Steel founding
- Steel mills
- Stone industry workers
- Strong inorganic acid mists
- Styrene-butadiene latex production
- Synthetic rubber production
- 2,4,5-T production
- TCP production
- Telecommunication equipment manufacture and use
- Textile and cloth factories
- Textile dyers
- Tool and dye making
- Tool setters and toolmakers
- Underground miners
- Urethane rubber products, such as shock-absorption pads and conveyor belting, and manufacture
- Vacuum tube makers
- Varnishing of furniture and wooden floors
- Varnish makers
- Vinyl chloride monomer manufacturing
- Waste water treatment facilities
- Welders
- Welding or flame cutting
- Window manufacture
- Wine /vineyard worker
- Wood flooring, installation and refinishing
- Wood furniture manufacturing
- Wood workers
- Wooden boat manufacture
- Zeolites mining, milling and processing
- Zinc smelting, soldering
Cancer Types
- Discussion of Cancer Risk Factors and Preventable Cancers
- Cancer Types and Specific Carcinogens Known to be Associated with Them – IARC List
- Exposure known to Cause Cancer (IARC Monographs Vols. 1-134)
- Exposures Known to Cause Cancer and Specific Related Cancer Sites
- Exposures known to probably cause Cancer (IARC Monograph Vols. 1-134)