Increase Your Odds of Being Cancer Free by Identifying and Decreasing Your Cancer Risks

Cancer Risk

Cancer Risk

Cancer Risk
Awareness Advocacy


How can I increase my odds of being cancer free?

You can increase your likelihood of being cancer free by decreasing the cancer risks in your life. It can be just that simple. Information about cancer risks is available but is very rarely shared with the general public. Cancer Free Awareness (CFA) is here to change that.

Whether you are currently cancer free or diagnosed with cancer, identifying your cancer risk is very important for your health.


Gwen Pohl Infante,
Founder and Director

By completing a Cancer Risk Evaluation with CFA, you can find out whether you are currently exposing yourself to a cancer risk or were exposed in the past. If a risk factor is identified, you can also find out which specific type of cancer that risk is associated with and what you can do now to increase your odds of staying or becoming cancer free.

If you prefer to do your own cancer risk evaluation, use the data on this website under the heading Basic CFA Database Information. By checking your workplaces, environments, and behaviors you will be able to identify carcinogenic exposures associated with those situations and the cancer types you may be at an increased risk of developing related to those exposures.

If you are currently cancer free and the exposures occurred in the past, you can learn about appropriate screening to find cancer, if it were to develop, at an early stage when it is most easily treated. If the carcinogenic exposures are continuing, you can learn how to reduce or eliminate them.

If you have already been diagnosed with cancer, this evaluation is still very important. Continued exposures to a carcinogen while being treated for cancer could lead to an increase in the risk of cancer progression and a decrease in the effectiveness of your treatment.

Awareness of known cancer risks is the first step in preventing cancer and being cancer free. It is a basic public health principle of fighting any disease – identify the risk factors, decrease or eliminate them, and thereby decrease or eliminate the probability of developing the disease. It is time to apply this basic principle toward the prevention of cancer.