Environmental Exposure Sites
- Atomic-bomb survivors and in-utero exposure
- (off-spring of atomic-bomb survivors)
- Building material and particle board, off-gassing
- Carpets, off-gassing
- Chemical plant
- Children and adolescents, following nuclear reactor accident
- Coal,
- Indoor emissions from household combustion of coal
- Exposures following nuclear reactor accident
- Gasoline station, living near
- Indoor radon exposure
- Mobile home use
- Petrochemical plant
- Solar radiation,
- Sun exposure
- Ultraviolet radiation
Cancer Types
- Discussion of Cancer Risk Factors and Preventable Cancers
- Cancer Types and Specific Carcinogens Known to be Associated with Them – IARC List
- Exposure known to Cause Cancer (IARC Monographs Vols. 1-134)
- Exposures Known to Cause Cancer and Specific Related Cancer Sites
- Exposures known to probably cause Cancer (IARC Monograph Vols. 1-134)